3rd Reading Boys' Brigade

3rd Reading Boys' Brigade is a uniformed Christian youth organisation for boys aged 5-18. The Boys' Brigade, as an organisation, is older than the Scouts (whose founder actually started off as an Officer in The Boys' Brigade).
We meet every Friday during Term-time and are split into 4 Sections according to school year groups:
- Anchor Boys - School Years Reception - 3 (ages 5 - 8)
- Junior Section - School Years 4 - 6 (ages 8 - 11)
- Company Section - School Years 7+ (age 11+)
- Seniors - Boys move up to Seniors typically after 3 years in Company Section
Anchors and Juniors run from 6:30pm-8pm each Friday, while Company Section and Seniors run from 7pm-9pm. ​​​​​

We aim to run a fun and varied programme, incorporating games, craft, Christian content (relevant to the specific age group) and activities to encourage Boys to think about the world around them. Boys’ work in these areas earn them badges that are presented each year at our Presentation Evening in July.
Our BB Company is part of a bigger Battalion (group of Companies) incorporating Guildford, Fleet, Woking and other surrounding towns. Throughout the year we join together, as a Battalion, for group activities, competitions and fun days and a Sports Day.
3rd Reading has a "sister" Girls' Brigade Company (which also meets on a Friday night) and we jointly run an annual Senior Camp (a week-long canvas Camp) which has taken place on various different sites over the years, including Haytor, The New Forest and The Forest of Dean.
3rd Reading Boys' Brigade is financed through subs of £2 per week (subscriptions can also be paid termly or annually, which work out slightly cheaper over the year if Boys are regularly attending). To allow new boys to work out whether BB is for them, we offer the first 6 weeks subs free. Equally although we are a uniformed organisation, we would not expect parents to purchase uniform until the end of the 6 week taster sessions.
You can find us on Facebook -
and can contact us through Facebook Messenger.